• Eat whole foods (can you recognize what is in it?)
  • The least amount of hands touched your food, the better (yours don't count!)
  • Always eat something fresh with your meal (we need the enzymes!)
  • Stick to plant food (no blood, bones, tendons, and animal by-products) this will require reading ingredients on labels and a little learning!
  • Avoid drinking with your meals, it will dilute your stomach enzymes and slow down digestion.
  • Fruit should always be eaten in between meals.
  • Never eat when upset or arguing. Remember to be grateful! 
  • Less talking more chewing! 

I keep thinking that if we were really meant to consume animal products, wouldn't the Creator have made it a little easier for us to get to the food part? Let’s see, first you have to find the animal (in their natural state, animals tend to shy away from humans, it could have something to do with the fact that we shoot just about anything that moves), then kill it. Then you only have a few hours (without refrigeration) to extract the meat before it rots down! This is by no mean an easy or fun task since if it is a bird, you still have to pluck it, if it is a mammal, you have to skin it, if it is a fish, bang its head on the boat or choke it… you get the picture, it is really a messy job. 

So maybe, it was the Ice Age that forced humans to do this for the survival of the specie and the habits continued even though, there is absolutely no need to raise and eat animal flesh today. If we can grow fruit and vegetable in the Arctic in a greenhouse, there is no excuse anymore! Now, if we don’t do all of this plucking, skinning, boiling in time, we can’t consume it because maggots will take over (as Mother Nature intended it) and break down the flesh.  Since we are not a carrion-eater by design,  consuming it would poison us to death. Now, take real carnivores, they love the smell of rotten flesh, they roll in it in celebration. We, on the other hand, will hurl at the smell and sight of decomposed flesh. Hint, hint? By simply observing nature (and we are a part of it, not above it and we go back to it just like any other living organisms) we quickly understand  that the fact that we can eat animal products doesn’t mean that we should.  And that by design, if it helped up survive through a really cold age, we were never meant to do this for such an extended period of time in our evolutionary journey. Eating animal flesh is very much a habit of cavemen! Maybe it is time to evolve as a specie, otherwise, there isn't much hope for our race. 


For more details on how people have stopped and reversed heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes without taking pharmaceuticals (because they never really eliminate the cause, only manage the symptoms) check out the movie: Forks Over Knives

This is part 1. Watch the full movie online on Netflix. Make it an evening and invite family and friends who suffer from heart conditions, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol... It will change their lives.


See what Celebrated Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd has to said about it. He ought to know his subject since he conducted the most comprehensive nutritional research ever conducted in the world called the China Study.